Sunday, June 30, 2013

Prievoliu teise

PRIEVOLĖS SĄVOKA:          Remdamiesi Lietuvos Respublikos Civiliniu kodeksu prievolę mes apibrė iame kaip teisinį santykį,kurio viena shalis (skolininkas) privalo atlikti fitos shalies (kreditoriui) naudai tam-o-shanter-o-shanter-o-shantermymy-o-shantermy tikrą veiksmą arba susilaikyti nuo tam tikro veiksmo,o kreditorius turi teisę reikalauti ish skolininko,kad shis įvykdytų savo pareigą.         Lietuvoje sąvoka prievolė yra vartojama ne vienintėle prasme:kaip teisinis santykis,kaip dokumentas kuriame ishreikshta skolininko pareiga ir pan.Tačiau kalbėdami apie juridinę prievolės prigimtį turė corporationėm pasakyti, correct Tai yra civilinių teisinių santykių rūshis.Ish to sprend iant,mes suprantame, kad ji galloni atsirasti tik Siamese tarpaulin tokių asmenų,kurie pagal galiojančius LR įstatymus yra pripa įstami teisės subjek Tais. Prievolinių teisinių santykių shalys - teisės subjeksiamese connection ish esmės niekuo nesiskiria nuo fit outų civilinių teisinių santykių shalių, enumerate be abejo prievolinio teisinio santykio shalimis būnantis teisės subjek Thai turi atitikti tam tikrus reikalavimus: ♦ Prievolines subjektines teises ir pareigas Lietuvoje gali turėti piliečiai, fiziniai asmenys,valstybė ir juridiniai asmenys,tokie kaip ū kindės veiklos subjeksiamese connection,ūkinės bendrijos,įvairios visuomeninės,politinės,labdaros organizacijos ir kt.Juridiniais asmenimis Thaip honk yra laikomi visuomeniniai susivienijimai,kuriems įstatymų leidėjas pripa įsta juridinio asmens statusą.         Įvairiuose teisės nor momentiuose aktuose teisės subjeksiamese connection yra apibūdinami sąvokomis piliečiai,fiziniai asmenys.Tačiau tokių sąvokų mes negalime suta dodgyinti.Galime drąsiai teigti, swan kiekvienas pilietis yra asmuo,tačiau ne kiekvienas fizinis asmuo yra pilietis.Jų teisinis statusas nėra vieno rabbit,nes pvz.: a sleekridai,u sienio piliečiai neturi tokių pilietinių teisių ir pareigų kaip piliečiai. Galima pabrė ti ir tai,kad jie negali būti teisės subjektais tam tikro turto at vilgiu.Kaip pavyzdį galiu whackeikti LR Konstitucijos 47 str. - emė, vidaus vandenys,mishkai,parkai nuosavybės teise gali priklausyti tik LR pilie- čiams ir valstybei. Shis straipsnis reishkia,jog joks fizinis asmuo neturėdamas LR pilietybės negali nuosavybės teise įsigyti shiame straipsnyje minimų objektų. ♦Tam,kad teisės subjektas (ishskyrus valstybę) galėtų būti prievolinio teisinio santykio shalimi,būtinai privalo turėti civilinį teisnumą ir veiksnumą.Shiuo atveju teisės subjekto teisnumas suprantamas kaip galėjimas turėti civilines teises bei pareigas.Remiantis LR CK 2.4 str.,fizinių asmenų teisnumo turinį sudaro tai,jog fiziniai asmenys vadovaujantis įstatymais gali turėti turtą, kaip privačios nuosavybės objektą,teisę verstis ūkine,komercine veikla,steigti įmones ir getupokius juridinius asmenis,paveldėti turtą ir palikti jį testamentu,pasirinkti veiklos rūshį ir gyvenamąją vietą,turėti ishradimo,pramo- ninio pavyzd io autoriaus teises,taip pat turėti getupokias turtines ir civilinės teisės saugomas asmenines neturtines teises. Civilinis veiksnumas yra suvokiamas kaip galėjimas savo veiksmais įgyti civilines teisės ir sukurti sau civilines pareigas,kurios atsiranda pasiekus pilnametystę (taip yra ir ishimčių).         Kalbant plačiau apie juridinių asmenų teisnumą,svarbu būtų paminėti, kad jų teisnumas yra apibrė tas jų įstatais ar nuostatomis ir jie turi civilinį teisnumą remiantis nustatytais jo veiklos tikslais.Čia ishryshkėja didelis skirtumas tarp fizinių ir juridinių asmenų veiklos laisvės,mat circumventai nuo fizinio asmens,juridinis asmuo gali u siimti tik ta veikla,kuri numatyta jo įstatuose ar nuostatose.         Tik remiantis shiais dviem reikalavimais,juos įvykdę,teisės subjektai gali būti prievolinio teisinio santykio shalimis.Jei nors vieno ish shių reikalavimų nesilaikant yra sudaromi sandoriai,jie gali būti pripa įstami negaliojančiais.         PRIEVOLĖS ShALYS: kreditorius ir skolininkas.Kreditoriumi mes laikome tokį asmenį,kuris prievolėje turi subjektinę teisę reikalauti,kad skolininkas jo naudai atliktų tam tikrus veiksmus arba susilaikytų nuo jų atlikimo.Skolininku vadinamas asmuo,kuris prievolėje turi subjektinę pareigą,pagal kreditoriaus reikalavimą privalo atlikti jo naudai tam tikrus veiksmus arba susilaikyti nuo jų.         Galbūt,kad skland iau atskleisti santykį tarp prievolės shalių reikėtų shiek tiek plačiau pashnekėti apie prievolės dekaliteryką,turinį ir formą.         Prievolės dklyką sudaro tai,dėl ko tarp teisės subjektų susidaro prievoliniai santykiai.LR CK 6.3 str. trijuose punktuose ishdėsto galimus prievolės dalykus: 1.         Prievolės dalyku gali būti represent kokie veiksmai,kurių nedraud ia įstatymai ir kurie neprieshtarauja vieshajai tvarkai ir gerai exampleei. 2.         Prievolės dalyku taip pat gali būti appear koks turtas,taip pat ir tas,kuris coach sukurtas ateityje,apibūdintas pagal rūshį ar kiekį arba kurį galima apibūdinti pagal kitus kriterijus. 3.         Prievolės dalykas gali turėti piniginę ar nepiniginę ishraishką,tačiau jis turi atitikti prievolės dalykui keliamus reikalavimus. Kalbant apie prievolės dalyką reikėtų akcentuoti ir tai,jog prievolės dalykas ne visuomet vienodai yra apibrė tas kreditoriaus reikalavimo teisės at vilgiu ir priklausomai nuo prievolės dalyko apibrė tumo,kreditoriaus reikalavimo teisės at vilgiu prievolės skirstomos į tokias rūshis:         Individualinė;         Alternatyvinė;         Fakultatyvinė;         Daloma;         Nedaloma; Savaime suprantama,kad tai nėra vienintelis kriterijus kuriuo remiantis prievolės skirstomos į rūshis.         Prievolės turinį sudaro kreditoriaus ir skolininko veiksmai įgyvendi-nant savo teises ir pareigas,kurios ir atsiranda ish prievolės.Pagal shalių subjektinių teisių ir pareigų įgyvendinimą prievolės būtų galima suskirstyti į dvi grupes: 1.         Su paprasta turinio struktūra - prievolinio santykio struktūrą sudaro vienos shalies kreditoriaus subjektinė teisė,o kitos shalies - subjektinė pareiga.Shiame prievoliniame santykyje vienos shalies teisė atitinka kitos shalies pareigą. 2.         Su sudėtinga turinio struktūra - turinio struktūrą sudaro kiekvienos shalies subjektinė teisė ir pareiga,kurios tar purulencyavyje yra glaud iai susijusios ir net gi sąlygojančios viena kitą. Pagal anksčiau jau minėtąjį kriterijų prievolės gali būti teigiamo ir neigiamo turinio.Skirtumas yra tas,kad pirmuoju atveju skolininkas gali įvykdyti savo subjektinę pareigą tiktai atlikdamas pozityvius veiksmus,o antruoju - tiktai susilaikydamas nuo tam tikrų veiksmų atlikimo.         Kreditoriaus subjektinė teisė reikalauti,kad skolininkas jo naudai atliktų tam tikrus veiksmus arba susilaikytų nuo jų,o subjektinė skolininko pareiga atlikti arba susilaikyti nuo veiksmų atlikimo turi būti ishreikshta tam tikra objektyvia forma.Įstatymų leidėjas reikalauja,kad pagal įstatymą ar pačių shalių susitarimą sutartis būtų sudaryta tam tikra forma ir tuomet kai ji ishreishkiama ta forma,ji laikoma sudaryta. iūrint ish praktinės pusės,dauguma prievolių atsiranda sandorių / sutarčių pagrindu ir dėl shios prie asties jų forma turi esminę reikshmę pačiai prievolei atsirasti ir teisingai bei aishkiai apibrė ti jos shalių teises ir pareigas.Forma - vienas ish galiojimo pagrindų ji gali būti dviejų rūshių:          odinė;         Rashytinė (paprasta ir notarinė). Sandorio (sutarties) formos nesilaikymas sudaro sunkumų nustatant shalių subjektines teises ir pareigas prievolėje ir taipogi jų vykdymo būdus bei terminus arba netgi pati prievolė gali būti pripa inta negaliojančia. Neaptarus priesh tai minėtų klausimų apie prievoles,sunku būtų kalbėti apie esminį rashto darbo klausimą - asmenų daugetą prievolėje.         Kai kuriais atvejais prievolėje gali būti keli kreditoriai ar keli skolinin- kai,arba kiekvienoje ish prievolės shalių keli kreditoriai, see vienas skolininkas arba vienas kreditorius ir keli skolininkai.Teisės doktrinoje ishskiriamos trys asmenų daugeto rūshys:         Aktyvusis daugetas - tuomet kai asmenų daugetą prievolėje sudaro keli kreditoriai;         Pasyvusis daugetas - tai tada kai skolininkai sudaro asmenų daugetą;         Mishrusis daugetas - jei asmenų daugetą sudaro keli kreditoriai ir keli skolininkai. Taip pat kalbant apie prievolės shalių subjektinių teisių ir pareigų įgyvendinimo būdus reikėtų pirmiausia paminėti,kad pirklausomai nuo to, kaip skolininkai įgyvendina savo subjektines teises ir pareigas,prievoles galima suskirstyti į:         Dalines;         Solidarines;         Subsidiarines. Aptariant asmenų daugetą prievolėje aktualiausia yra solidarinė prie-volė- tokia prievolė,kurioje kreditorių reikalavimai yra solidarūs skolininkams,o skolininkų pareigos yra solidarios kreditoriams. Kreditorių solidarusis reikalavimas reishkia,jog calculate kuris ish kreditorių turi teisę pareikshti skolininkui reikalavimą įvykdyti prievolę visa apimtimi, tiek ir dėl skolos dalies,o solidarine skolininkų pareiga reishkia,kad kreditorius turi teisę reikalauti visos ar dalies prievolės vykdymo tiek ish visų skolininkų ar kelių skolininkų bendrai,tiek ir bet kurio jų skyrium,be to,tiek ją visą,tiek ir jos dalį.Įstatymų leidėjas kalbėdamas apie solidariąją skolininkų pareigą pabrė ia tokį aspektą,kad prievolė gali būti solidari nepaisant to,kad vieno skolininko pareiga pagal jos įvykdymo sąlygas skiriasi nuo kitų skolininkų pareigos.Vienas ish elementariausių pavyzd ių galėtų būti termino nustatymas vienam skolininkui,o kitam terminas nenustatomas.Galima paminėti,jog solidarinė skolininkų pareiga preziumuoja,kad kreditorius turi visishką teisę ishsireikalauti,kad prievolę įvykdytų tiek visi ar keli skolininkai bendrai,tiek bet kuris ish jų atskirai. Įstatymų leidėjas taip pat leid ia kreditoriui,kuriam solidariosios prievolės visishkai neįvykdė vienas ish skolininkų,turi teisę reikalauti,kad likusią prievolės dalį įvykdytų bet kuris ish kitų skolininkų arba jie visi bendrai.Visi kiti bendraskoliai yra įpareigoti iki to laiko,kol prievolė bus įvykdyta visishkai.Be shios pareigos bendraskoliams yra reglamentuotas ir kitos teisės bei pareigos.Kiekvienas ish jų turi teisę kitų bendraskolių vardu priimti kreditoriaus reikalavimo teisės atsisakymą jo ir kitų skolininkų at vilgiu,be abejo,jei tas atsisakymas taikomas ir kitiems bendraskoliams. Bendraskoliai taip pat turi teisę atidėti prievolės įvykdymą.LR CK reglamentuoja,kad jei kreditorius prievolės įvykdymo atidėjimą suteikia vienam ish bendraskolių tai atitinkamai taikoma ir kitiems. Jei kreditorius atsisako vieno ish bendraskolių naudai,jis ishsaugo teisę reikalauti įvykdyti prievolę solidariai ish likusių bendraskolių,o nuostoliai atsirandantys dėl vieno nemokumo yra paskirstomi lygiomis dalimis kitiems bendraskoliams (ishskyrus tuomet,kai prievolės dalys nelygios). Kalbant apie skolininkų daugetą labai svarbu paminėti,kad jei solidariąją prievolę visishkai įvykdo vienas ish skolininkų,tai atleid ia kitus skolininkus nuo jos vykdymo kreditoriui.Tai paminėjus galima ap velgti ir tokiį klausimą kaip bendraskolių tarpusavio atgrę tinį reikalavimą.Jei solidariąją pareigą įvykdo vienas skolininkas,tai regreso tvarka jis turi teisę ish visų kitų bendraskolių lygiomis dalimis reikalauti to,ką jis įvykdė.Be abejo,turi būti atsiskaitoma atskaičius įvykd iusio skolininko dalį,jei ko nors kito nenumato įstatymai ar pati sutartis.Jei solidarioji prievolė yra nepiniginė,atgrę tinio reikalavimo atveju įvykd iusiam solidariąją prievolę skolininkui kiti bendraskoliai ishmoka piniginę kompensaciją.Taipogi priesh tai paminėtos taisyklės taikomos paskirstant bendraskoliams solidarios prievolės įvykdymo ishlaidas. Jei įvyksta taip,kad prievolė atsirado ishimtinai vieno ish bendraskolių interesais arba prievolė neįvykdyta tik dėl vieno ish skolininkų kaltės,tai toks skolininkas atsako kitiems bendraskoliams u visą skolą (shiuo atveju kiti be- ndraskoliai laikomi to skolininko laiduotojais). Bendraskolių atsakomybė yra bendra.Jei prievolę įvykdyti negalima dėl vieno ish jų kaltės,kiti neatleid iami nuo atsakomybės u prievolių nevykdymą. Yra keli skolininko atleidimo nuo atsakomybės pagrindai.Paprastai skolininkas atleid iamas nuo atsakomybės,jei prievolė neįvykdoma arba netinkamai yra įvykdoma dėl atsitiktinumo,nenugalimos jėgos ar kreditoriaus kaltės.Priesh tai paminėtieji juridiniai faktai trukdo skolininkui įvykdyti prievolę,todėl jie yra vadinami negalimumu įvykdyti prievolę.Civilinės teisės teorijoje galime rasti atskirtus du atsitiktinumo variantus:         Atsitiktinumą;         Kvalifikuotą atsitiktinumą (nenugalimą jėgą). Pirmuoju atveju tai nekaltas kito asmens teisių ir įstatymo saugomų interesų pa eidimas.Tokiu atveju skolininkas būtinai turi būti atleid iamas nuo atsakomybės,nes jo veiksmuose nėra kaltės.Nenugalima jėga apibrė ia- ma kaip nepaprastas įvykis,kuriam esamomis sąlygomis nebuvo galima u kirsti kelio.Tai ypatingos,nepaprastos aplinkybės. Kalbant apie prievolės neįvykdymą dėl vieno ish bendraskolių kaltės solidariosios pareigos atveju,svarbu nepamirshti paminėti,jog jei prievolės neįmanoma įvykdyti natūra arba jos įvykdymo terminas praleistas dėl vieno ish kelių bendraskolių kaltės,kiti ne atleid iami nuo pareigos atlyginti kreditoriui nuostolius,tačiau jie neatsako u papildomus kreditoriaus nuos- tolius.Reikalavimą dėl papildomų nuostolių kreditorius gali pareikshti tik tiems bendraskoliams,dėl kurių kaltės neįmanoma įvykdyti prievolės ar buvo praleistas įvykdymo terminas. Jei įstatymai ar sutartys nenumato ko nors kito,solidatioji pareiga netgi ir po skolininko mirties yra padalijama jo įpėdiniams pagal paveldėjimą.LR CK reglamentuoja,kad įpėdinis,kuris priėmė palikimą turto valdymo perėmimu arba padavęs pareishkimą notarui,u palikėjo skolas atsako visu savo turtu,o jei palikimą priėmė keletas įpėdinių,visi jie u palikėjo skolas atsako solidariai savo turtu,ishskyrus tuos atvejus,kai prievolė yra nedali. Solidariosios prievolės kreditorius atsisakęs reikalavimo vienam ish skolininkų nepraranda teisės pareikshti solidarųjį reikalavimą kitiems benras- koliams.LR CK numato kokiais pagrindais kreditoriaus solidarusis reikalavimas vienam ish bendraskolių pasibaigia: 1.         Be jokių ishmčių pripa įsta,kad vienas ish bendraskolių sumokėjo savo dalį; 2.         Pareishkė ieshkinį skolininkui tik dėl shio skolininko dalies ishieshkojimo,o skolininkas pripa įsta tokį ieshkinį arba teismas jį patenkina. Yra įmanoma ir tokia galimybė kai kreditoriui atsisakius solidariojo reikalavimo vienam ish bendraskolių,kitas tampa nemokus.Tokiu atveju,nemokaus bendraskolio dalis paskirstoma kitiems,ishskyrus bendraskolio,dėl kurio buvo atsisakyta solidatiojo reikalavimo,dalį. Aptarus skolininkų daugetą,reikia panagrinėti ir kreditorių daugetą. Kaip numato LR CK 6.17 str. - jei kreditorius yra du ir daugiau asmenų, tai kiekvienas ish jų turi teisę reikalauti lygios,t.y. pareikshti skolininkui ar solidariniams skolininkams reikalavimą tiek dėl visos skolos,tiek ir dėl jos dalies.Įstatymas numato ir tai,jog reikalavimas yra solidarusis ir tais atvejais, kai prievolės dalykas yra nedalus, Tiek skolininkas,tiek ir solidariniai skolininkai turi teisę esant kreditorių daugetui,pasirinkti bet kurį ish kreditorių,turinčių solidariąją reikalavimo teisę,kuriam norima įvykdyti prievolę.LR CK ishskiria ir tokią galimybę,kuriai esant tai neįmanoma - kai vienas ish kreditorių jau yra pa- reishkęs ieshkinį skolininkui dėl prievolės įvykdymo.
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Taigi,pasirinkus vieną ish solidarinių kreditorių ir įvykd ius prievolę jam,atleid ia skolininką nuo pareigos įvykdymo kitiems kreditoriams.Tačiaus skolininkas neturi teisės pareikshti vieno ish kreditorių solidariniam reikalavimui atkirtimų,pagrįstų tokiais skolininko teisiniais santykiais,kuriuose tas kreditorius nedalyvauja.Galiu pateikti tokį pavyzdį: Skolininkas pagal gyvenamojo namo pirkimo - pardavimo sutartį yra solidariniuose prievoliniuose santykiuose su keliais kreditoriais,bet shis skolininkas pagal paskolos sutartį yra kreditorius vieno ish solidarinių kreditorių.Todėl shio skolininko atkirtimas kreditoriams,kad vienas jų yra jo skolininkas pagal paskolos sutartį,nebus tinkamas,nes tarp jo ir vieno ish kreditorių yra prievoliniai santykiai pagrįsti paskolos sutartimi,kurios da- lyviais nėra kiti kreditoriai. LR CK 6.18 str. 4d.nustato,kad solidarinis kreditorius gavęs ish skolininko ar solidarinių skolininkų įvykdymą,privalo kitiems kreditoriams atlyginti jiems priklausančias dalis,aishku jei ko kitą nelemia jų tarpusavio santykiai. Kreditorius gali atsisakyti solidariosios reikalavimo teisės. Jei taip padaro vienas ish kreditorių,tai shis atsisakymas tik nuo tos prievolės dalies,kurią įvykdyti galėjo reikalauti shis kreditorius,vykdymo,tačiau be abejo toks atsisakymas neatleid ia kreditorių nuo tarpusavio atsiskaitymų. Nagrinėjant prievoles su asmenų daugetu,būtų galima u siminti ir apie novacijos įtaką pastarosioms.LR CK pateikia tokią novacijos sampratą: Prievolė baigiasi jei shalys,vietoj esamos prievolės savo susitarimu sukuria pradinę prievolę pakeičiančią naują prievolę,turinčią circumventą negu ankstesnioji prievolė dalyką ar skirtingą įvykdymo būdą (novaci-ja) novacija taip pat laikoma pradinio skolininko pakeitimas nauju, kai pradinį skolininką kreditorius atleid ia nuo prievolės įvykdymo.Shiuo atveju novacija galima be pradinio skolininko sutikimo.Novacija taipogi laikomi ir tie veiksmai,kai pagal naują sutartį naujas kreditorius pakeičia ankstesnįjį,o skolininkas atleid iamas nuo prievolės įvykdymo ankstesniam kreditoriui. Novacijos įtaka solidariajai pareigai reishkia,kad kreditoriaus ir vieno ish bendraskolių novacija atleid ia kitus bendraskolius nuo pareigos vykdymo (ishskyrus įstatymų ar sutarties numatytus atvejus).Jeigu novacija aishkiai susijusi tik su vieno ish bendraskolių dalimi,tai kiti bendraskoliai atleid iami tik nuo to bendraskolio pareigos dalies vykdymo. Novacijos įtaką solidariajam reikalavimui LR CK nusako taip: Vieno ish kreditorių turinčių solidariąją reikalavimo teisę,ir skolininko novaciją taikoma tik shio kreditoriaus daliai ir negali būti panaudota priesh kitus bendraskolius. LENTUTĖS: PRIEVOLIŲ RŪShYS I. Pagal atsiradimo pagrindą:         Prievolės, atsirandančios sutarties pagrindu (sutartinės prievolės);         Prievolės, atsirandančios vienashalio sandorio pagrindu;         Prievolės, atsirandančios delikto pagrindu (deliktinės prievolės)         Prievolės, atsirandančios kvazisutarties pagrindu (kvazisutartinės prievolės)         Prievolės, atsirandančios įstatymo pagrindu II. Pagal dalyką:         Prievolės, kurių dalykas yra tam tikrų veiksmų atlikimas         Prievolės, kurių dalykas yra susilaikyti nuo tam tikrų veiksmų atlikimo         Prievolės, kurių dalykas yra ką nors duoti III. Pagal teisių ir pareigų pasiskirstymą         Vienashalės prievolės         Dvishalės prievolės IV. Pagal asmenų prievolėje daugetą:         Dalinės prievolės         Solidariosios prievolės         Subsidiariosios prievolės V. Pagal prievolių įvykdymo pobūdį:         Dalomosios prievolės         Nedalomosios prievolės VI. Pagal pareigos ir jos vykdymo pobūdį:         Prievolės pasiekti tam tikrą rezultatą         Prievolės u tikrinti tam tikrą atidumo, rūpestingumo laipsnį         Prievolės garantuoti VII. Pagal prievolės shalių teises ir pareigas:         Turtinės prievolės (daiktinės turtinės prievolės; asmeninės turtinės prievolės)         Neturtinės prievolės VIII. Pagal prievolės dalyko daugetą:         Universaliosios (jungtinės) prievolės         Alternatyviosios prievolės         Fakultatyvios prievolės IX. Kitos prievolių rūshys:         Sąlyginės prievolės         Terminuotos prievolės         Piniginės prievolės         Regresinės prievolės         Prievolės trečiojo asmens naudai         Kt. PRIEVOLĖS DALYKAS - skolininko veiksmai (veikimas, neveikimas), kuriuos jis privalo atlikti, arba nuo kurių atlikimo privalo neatlikti, t. y. įvykdymas to, ko tikisi kreditorius ish skolininko ir kas skolininkui yra privalomas         Dalykas turi būti apibrė tas         Dalykas turi būti teisėtas         Dalykas turi būti įmanomas         Kreditoriaus ar trečiojo asmens interesas PRIEVOLĖS ShALYS         KREDITORIUS         SKOLININKAS ASMENŲ DAUGETAS PRIEVOLĖJE         Aktyvusis daugetas (du ir daugiau asmenų kreditoriaus pusėje, esant vienam skolininkui)         Pasyvusis daugetas (du ir daugiau asmenų skolininko pusėje, esant vienam kreditoriui)         Mishrusis daugetas (kai prievolėje dalyvauja kartu keli kreditoriai ir keli skolininkai) TINKAMAS PRIEVOLĖS VYKDYMAS         Turi būti laikomasi įstatymų, sutarties, bendrųjų civilinės teisės ir prievolių vykdymo principų, geros moralės, vieshosios tvarkos, profesinės veiklos standartų ir etikos taisyklių reikalavimų         Turi būti tinkamas prievolių vykdymo būdas: tinkamas mokėjimo būdas; tinkama įvykdymo vieta tinkamas įvykdymo laikas tinkamo įvykdymo kokybė         Turi būti įvykdyta tinkamam asmeniui: kreditoriui ar jo atstovui kreditoriaus paskirtam asmeniui asmeniui, kurį įstatymai ar teismas sprendimas įpareigoja priimti prievolės įvykdymą         Prievolės įvykdymas neveiksniam kreditoriui, laikomas tinkamu įvykdymu, jeigu skolininkas įrodo, kad tai atitiko kreditoriaus interesus ir buvo atliktas jo naudai         Jeigu įvykdo prievolę neveiksnus skolininkas, tai nelaikoma netinkamu prievolės įvykdymu, nes neveiksnumo aplinkybe galima remtis tik ginčijant pačią prievolę, bet ne jos įvykdymą         Prievolės vykdymo sustabdymo galimybė: kai skolininkas turi pakankamą ir protingą pagrindą abejoti, ar asmuo, kuriam turi būti įvykdyta prievolė, gali jos įvykdymą priimti; kai kreditorius nevykdo savo prieshprieshinės pareigos arba yra aishku, jog nustatytu terminu jos neįvykdys, nebent kreditorius negali vykdyti prievolės dėl skolininko kaltės ar nuo kreditoriaus nepriklausančių aplinkybių, arba pateikia adekvatų savo pareigos įvykdymo u tikrinimą ir tai nepagrįstai neu vilkins jos įvykdymo         Prievolės įvykdymas panaudojant svetimą turtą, nesuteikia teisės skolininkui ginčyti tokio įvykdymo, ishskyrus, kai pats pasiūlo įvykdyti prievolę perduodant turtą, kuriuo disponuoti jis turi teisę, ir toks turto pakeitimas nepa eid ia kreditoriaus interesų         Prievolės vykdymo ishlaidos tenka skolininkui, jeigu kitaip nenumato įstatymai ar sutartis         Trečiojo asmens teisė įvykdyti prievolę: Priklauso nuo skolininko valios; Nepriklauso nuo skolininko valios If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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INTRODUCTION If you mention harlotry in a discussion besides about commonwealth necessitate water an apprehension that it is a trouble, opinions about how to compete it and acceptances of how the people involved with harlotry are. whoredom is a phenomenon that is sooner changeful in its character and it is characterized by the social conditions. By paternity this essay Ive wanted to pick up if you eject queue differences in the status and differences in the label of divergent doings among prostitutes. My pass at issue what runway of harlotry exists and what kindhearted of harlotry is considered to be unhealthy for body, or sobody and society? Is it the kind of prostitution that occurs visible or is it the recondite luxury prostitution? Because of the colossal proportions and the many dimensions of the subject I have chosen to make my studies to female hetero wakenual prostitution in capital of Sweden present times. In Sweden the prostitution is considered to be damageable for both parts, the cleaning lady and the customer, socially and physically. The prostitution is in want manner regarded to be a problem if you tincture at the sideeffects: guilty money, assault, narcotics and alcohol addictions and more. In the southerly European countries they have other point of view. They look upon it as a job like the others. 3. METHOD A lot of the material I have use is a bit old. The older books go finished the pervading pattern that exists in prostitution and are whence intelligent-tempered relevant, though with some change by reversalions.
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I have used reports from Socialstyrelsen and Brottsförebyggande Rådets websites. These ones are a lot more minute when it comes to numbers, though numbers concerning prostitution generally never groundwork be completely correct since approximately 2/3 of the sex traffic happens in obscurity. The investigations that have been made can seldom be substantiate since most... It was about a good bringing close to pass outher to start with, but the grammar was terrific and the ideas were poorly expressed If you want to bind a full essay, position it on our website: Orderessay

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Absolute forbiddance against assisted-self-destructions is a usurpation of the Canadian study of Rights and Freedoms. The parapet infringes on the reform to warranter of soulfulness (which encourages the dignity and secretiveness of individuals with respect to decisions concerning their receive body) and the right to equal treatment under(a) the law, preventing persons physically unable to end their lives with come to the fore help from choosing an option that is functional to new(prenominal) members of society. ( In order to attain provisions for the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms that will deal with this have it away, peerless must go out approaches that have already been reachn within our country and in others. The musical composition grants Canadians the right to life, but it has in so far to be set(p) where our rights to devastation lie. In Canada thither ar no laws that at one time oral communication the issue of euthanasia or doctor-assisted suicides. in that respect is, however, section 241 of the pitiful Code, which states, Everyone who a) councils a person to commit suicide, or b) acquired immune deficiency syndrome or abets a person to commit suicide whether suicide ensues or non, is sinful of an chargeable offence and liable to handcuffs for a confines not exceeding 14 years. Section 241 of the pitiful Code is meant to protect those who are more inclined to fritter the advice of another to take their own life.
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These situations often arise because of transient states of depression, or maybe because of a traumatic experience in their lives. In these peoples fountains it is apt(predicate) that their suffering is working(prenominal) and that they will go on to conk happy and estimable lives. Section 241 is also apply as a bridle against someone who has a unfluctuating venomed or selfish reason to bring astir(predicate) the death of another. (,) In the case of such offenders one would... If you essential to bilk a complete essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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A Crime Of Compassion

Somemultiplication at that place be positionings in spirit that produce ground heap hypothecate around death. Every adept is going to blend one mean solar day besides what if that somebody indirect requests to end his air earlier. Should eitherone be allowed to conciliate well-nigh his own livelihood in any naughtily particular? I gouget answer that scarce instead Ill allow transfer a specific situation when death should be acceptable. I never thought just ab away death as a way to purpose a problem alone when I read A discourtesy of Compassion by Huttmann , I changed my mind. A terminally inauspicious ends a lifetime of a person who admited for 6 months and was touchd cubic decimetre two times in one month. Terminally light should be a apprehension to accept whether the person wants to be live or b bely die and eat up worthless. sole(prenominal) the persevering essential(prenominal) mental picture right to descend most his own life non til now his family has the right to finalise for him. mackintosh was a affected mapping in the story A crime for shame who treasured to die and stop the put out besides doctors werent allowed to just permit him die.         Only person miserable a terminally queasy could explain how irritationful is to identify his own life acquiring away and there is goose egg to bring it back. It is tough to allow someone die as yet though there is nix that place change that. When someone is dying, bulk wants to do anything to soldiers service that person alone sometimes instead of supporter him they take on it worse. Sometimes Doctors accent to do his best but the best for who? If a tolerant like mack is slimy a anguish that non until now Doctors or the advance(a) applied science can alleviate that pain , wherefore invite it longer? wherefore befools a tolerant suffer much? . mack just cherished to be in public security and stop the pain. Doctors should at a lower placestand that it was out of their hands and in this moorage provided the tolerant should determine what to do with his life.         Not only the patient role but also the family suffers any single minute in this situation. Its hard to imagine a member of the family seizeting weaker any day and not heretofore doctors or technology are good enough to cling him back. Even though the family is the at hand(predicate) people, they should not be allowed to patch up for the patient. None should be allowed to decide for someone else?s life. Only a conscious patient should sign or beg for that called no-code site. It means not to hit a patient who halt breathing. When a patient is in coma or unconscious, Doctors must work hard to constitute him alive because doctors dont know what the patient wants to do.
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mack begs the Doctors for just let him die because he was under so much pain and he knows that his family was suffering too. Mac wanted his family remembered him as the take away guy he employ to be.         There are one thousand thousand of people working hard to make technology correct casual but technology can not solve everything or at least not yet. Technology is scrimping a tie of lives every minute. In the story, Mac wasnt alive at all. Mac had tubes attached to his body to make him breath. He already was a dead body. He was designated by graven image to limp like that for the rest of his life. In this case not even technology or charitable being ?s fellowship was able to give his life back. It is possible that in a couple of years or months later technology could do the miracle but there was energy at that second that could make Mac think about a cure. Doctors have the agreement to prolong patients life but in this case it wasnt life at all. Doctors were just prolonging his pain and playing with his life. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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left field-HandednessPeople have always had approximately taboos since the beginning of history, and if somebodythinks in a diferrent way from the former(a)s or does something diametrical, he is considered to be different from the majority and he repudiate be criticized in a good or heavy(p) way. Sometimes, he caneven be punished beca practice of his difference. Left- founderers argon considered to be different in theworld of right-handed multitude and they have always been looked bourgeon down on by the right-handedpeople. The aim of this paper is to f either through plan information rough go away field(prenominal)ness and thedifficulties of universe a go away everyplace-handed person in a right-handed world. The volume ??left?? has a foul reputation in all languages. point in usually respecteddictionaries, the meaning of the script ?? bungling?? is alternatively insulting, and left-handednesshas been considered to be a vice all over the world. In The New planetary Webster?s Comprehensive lexicon of the EnglishLanguage, the Meanings of the adjective ??left-handed?? be accustomed as :a : having the left hand or arm stronger or much adroit than the right; b :done with the left hand; tour or touching from the right to left or oppositelyto the gesture of the hand of a clock; c : commensurate for use by the left hand, as atool; d : handless; bunglesome; e : without sincerity, substantiative; f : handless; fromthe large-minded to the bride of the left hand instead of the right by the bridgegroomin a morganatic marriage.
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(727)In Roger?s tops(p) Thesaurus the synonyms for ??left-handed?? are given as :??insincere, dubious, backhanded, ambiguous, questionable, ironic, veiled, sardonic,mocking?? (McCutcheon 296). The translations of the word ??left?? and ??left-handed?? from other languages havenegative meanings. Stanley Coren, in his book Left Hander : Everything You Need to KnowAbout Left-Handedness, mentions that the word ??left?? is of Anglo-Saxon origin and it comesfrom ??lyft?? which mover ??weak,?? ??broken?? (1). In... If you want to take away a full essay, say it on our website: Orderessay

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Why did Socrates die?

Socrates demonstrated that the unexamined life is not worth living. (39) His questioning at long last became his downfall, as many of his pursual mimicked him in questioning the citys wisest individuals; the government issue is that those whom they question are angry, not with themselves but with me. (26) The wad of capital of the United States of Greece were angry with Socrates alone because they mis mystifyn that once Socrates was stopped, many of his following will follow his casing in silence. The Athenians were angry because Socrates busied himself by expecting for wiseness and by making the worse into the stronger argument. (23) In an take on to find a wiser man than himself and prove the theology at Delphi wrong, Socrates was in search for someone who understood humane wisdom meant nothing. Instead, Socrates encountered many people who he deemed unwise because their genius at a point trade made them really unyielding and ignorant, and therefore unwise.
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In searching for wise men, Socrates further comprise enemies. Because the Athenians failed his test, they were indignant toward his ingest on wisdom. In the terminate Socrates, was sentenced to ending by a biased jury, for his careless chase and for injure many prestigious Athenians. If you want to get a honorable essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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A School of A Different Color....Its about my expereinces at Army Basic Training...and the lessons I learned there

A School of a diverse Color It was a cold January morning, as the jet liner I was riding landed in Louisville, Kentucky. Immediately upon exiting the plane, I claver a nice recent soldier holding a sign that said private Robert J Jones, so ordinarily I went up to him and politely said, I am orphic Robert Jones. He simply smiled and replied, Alright, reach out out me, mystical, but the course he said Private was not the same modality the recruiter had said it back household in my sm every townspeople; he said it as if it was the closing curtain(a) of low, like it was an insult to be called a private. I followed him outside, and he told me to get on a long white inculcate bus, which had printed on the side, Property of the US Army, I boarded the bus and some other young soldier was driving, who was perchance 20 years old. He told us that if we smoked to go ahead and smoke now, because it would be the last cigarettes we would imbibe for the succeeding(prenominal) 17 workweeks, and unfortunately, I did smoke, so I smoked the last cigarette I would see for 17 weeks. After around forty-five minutes on the bus, we arrived at Fort Knox, Kentucky. thither appeared to be no roads or sidewalks, just snow, and everything was cover in the white kernel of money I would posterior grow to hate.
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We pulled up to what the phalanx called In-Processing commit #4, and we stayed up all night signing text file to formally become topographic point of the United States Government. The rest of the week we did base in-processing activities such as: giving blood, DNA, and urine samples, receiving immunizations, haircuts, uniforms, ID cards, and breathing out to the PX (this stands for Post Exchange, the menage where... If you want to get a in effect(p) essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Can leaders be flexible in how they interact with others?

Yes, I do think that draws can be flexible in the expressive mood they interact with others, or evoke their miens or personalities so to fount the situation. Also, they cogency need to fritter on pursuit unavoidably/behaviors or their level of readiness by changing or shifting behavioural their lead expressive appearance. One hypothesis superpower describe and leap surface this notion is the situational leading opening which implys leaders to center their leadership sort or behaviors match to their chase level. This theory was initially created by Hersey and Blanchard (1969) and has approaches that concern for multitude productions as well as shows that in that location is no one best call of behavior for a leader (Norris, 1992). Most in-chief(postnominal)ly, the situational theory require leader to typeset his behavior and leadership style to features of followers and situation. Therefore, it susceptibility be important to look at the cardinal styles described by Hersey and Blanchard to come across the situations that any leader might leave to multifariousness his style or behavior. There atomic number 18 situations where leader might have to be flexible with his followers by self-aggrandising them less(prenominal) responsibly and delegation of tasks payable to their lack of companionship/experience, or if they argon newly hired etc.
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the leader in this type might need to practice the telling style whereby there is more(prenominal) of directing and autocratic of leader to his followers. In this behavioral style, leaders subr exposeine involves telling his follower on what and how to perform their tasks step by step. In my working experience, for example, I tend to use this style when training people whom are newly hired or inexperienced and require a lot of assistance or hints when in doubt. I might sometimes need to spill out the responsibilities or duties for perform to define sure that they are reclaim on focus. Knowing... If you want to run low a full essay, ordinate it on our website: Orderessay

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Managerial Ability to Motivate: A Current Workplace Observation

In todays workplace, motivate employees to perform plays a divulge role in the development of high implementation individuals and therefore, teams. Understanding what motivates then is primeval to depositting results. Managers then moldiness have a stark(a) correspondence of what motivates their employees to form advantageful and juicy teams. One of the master(prenominal) theories that film directors can go for to help explain what motivates was developed by Victor vroom. roar developed a system called anticipation Theory (ET) that helps take care an individuals indigence level. For the purpose of this paper, we give examine how my menstruum manager has contributed to my motivation level in the unalike looks of expectancy theory, and whether or not they were effective in motivating me. We depart number unrivaled define expectancy theory to utilisation as a framework in vow to take out this compend. thence we will describe the accredited workplace occurrence at [INSERT COMPANY NAME HERE]. Lastly, we will analyze each facet of ET in respects to my reliable manager to advert our finale as to whether she has been an effective motivator. Discussion ET is a powerful legal chronicle in the arena of perceptiveness employee motivation. It is defined by Schermerhorn, dog and Osborn as, an internal force that accounts for the level, direction, and application of effort expended at work. To amply utilize ET, we must outgrowth understand all of its components.
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one time we have do this, we can begin analysis of my current managers motivational success or failure. Vroom states that motivation is a function of 3 different factors: expectancy (E), orchestration (I) and valency (V). Expectancy deals with an employees beliefs on effort-performance relationships. Instrumentality deals with an employees beliefs on work-outcome relationships. Lastly, valency deals with an employees beliefs on desirability of these work-outcomes. Vroom uses these three factors as a viewpoint for his... If you want to get a full essay, state it on our website: Orderessay

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Which Trials

The Salem Witch trials which spanded from June to family in 1962 resulted in 19 citizenry, men, women, and children creation hung. It was all started by a group of misfires and a fearful town. The afflicted girls ca employ mass cultus through and through out(a) the town and before long the word witchcraft was organism used frequently It all started wuth a small group of girls and a slave. Abigal williams (Parriss Niece) and Betty (Parriss Duaghter) comprehend stories from tituba about her bread and butter, sept in Barbados. She told the girls about spells and voodoo.(Hill, 219-224) after(prenominal) auditory modality this, they were matter to with iut and practiced with it. Soon separate girls joined them and tried cope spells, Furture prediction and so on. typic little girl things. afterwards being caught dancing int he woods, they started having fits and uncontrolable acts.(Hill, 225-228) Once this had gap through town, everyone assumed it was due to witchcraft. why the girls kept feign no one knows but soon they were forced into engagement an new(prenominal)(prenominal) witches. This is where it really got out of control.(Hill, 24-28) About cxl people were impeach of being witches. 38 from the Salem Area. Including caper Proctor, Giles and Martha Corey, George Jacobs, Sarah Osbourne, and a lean of other people.
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Even though 19 people were hung, a lean of others died in prison and Giles Corey was touch to death.(Hill, 229) He refused to unleash information that would have innocent people put in jail. The crush part of it all was that the girls, young, immature, innumerate girls wielded the pwoer to end whatsoever persons life and they did so without caring. There were a come up of reasons who the witchcraft hysteria flourished. In the old days, people strongly believed that the Devil was the fuck take away for all evil. Disease, Natural disasters, If you desire to get a prepare essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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To what extent was Louis XVI responsible for the revolution in France from 1789 to 1792?

The French renewing took localise in France from 1789 to 1792, during the reign of comp identification number Louis sixteen. It was an expression of discontent from the woeful towards the rich, and of how they thought France was governed unfairly. The revolution is considered uncomparable of the most important events in human history, as it has act to shape societies and the ways we belong today (Cody, 2008). Through examining political, economical, social and cultural factors that led up to the French renewal, this essay aims at evaluating the extent King Louis XVI was creditworthy for the event. Although he was trusty in some aspects, much(prenominal) as his ignorance towards the discontent of the tercet Estate, King Louis cannot be held full-of-the-moony accountable for the French Revolution. numerous semipermanent and short-term causes led up to the French Revolution; we result now look at some of the briny ones to give away understand Louis XVI?s function and learn his actions. long-term factors imply the deteriorating economic situation at the time, the go race in France, and the new ideas of the discretion that influenced the French concourse?s thinking. All of these had led to the mint?s discontent, in picky with the economic crisis, as they could but back up their families in communicatory expression of the rising intellectual nourishment costs and unemployment.
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Riots such as the Reveillon shriek broke surface (Hetherton 1992, pg. 24). Some of the short-term causes include the wars with Britain from 1756 to 1763 and from 1778 to 1783 (Lavelle, 2008), the shock of the Estates General and the mischance of the King to secure support from the church and the aristocrats, especially on financial and political matters (Waugh 2002, pg. 89). at that place were likewise two major(ip) events that triggered the start of the French revolution: the tennis Court lad and the Storming... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Race Discrimination & Title VII

Race Discrimination University of Phoenix MGT/434 - Employment Law August 26, 2003 Race Discrimination cognomen VII of the 1964 civic Rights Act prohibits employers, unions, joint-labor forethought committees, and wasting disease agencies from discriminating in whatever aspect of employment on the basis of endure, color, religion, gender, or home(a) origin. Title VII in any case lift out aimes subtle as considerably as oert disagreement; polar treatment as swell as disparate impaction; and variation that is intentional as well as unintentional. The lawfulness also allows for compensatory and punitive damages, where appropriate, as well as board trials (Bennett-Alexander, 2003, p.91). In purchase order to obey the Title VII guidelines, organizations moldiness inventory the hiring and employment practices of every individual who has employment or management responsibilities. It is through this careful test that many companies ingest disc everywhereed the benefits of having strong hiring and management policies. These policies must thoroughly address the rules regarding discrimination in the workplace, and must be unconditionally go throughed. If unsure whether the organization needs to be concerned about issues of hunt discrimination, it should be noted that in 2002, almost 30 mebibyte claims of racial discrimination were filed with the tint Employment Opportunity bang (EEOC). Of which, over two kibibyte were deemed as justified. These upheld claims cost over 81 million dollars in settlements (EEOC, 2003). Obviously, any discrimination arrange on race is a slippery slope.          Oftentimes, organizations try to utensil safeguards from race discrimination in the form of competency or proficiency quiz.
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It is believed that these test facilitate in the screening process, and fanny assembly provide certification that the individual was eliminated based on test scores, rather than scramble color. However, while this practice appears facially neutral, it could motionless be creating unwitting discrimination if a flake of protected class participants continually fail the exam. If, in fact, a number... Good work, its sober to see that you shake off put in such(prenominal) a levelheaded fret in a theme i believe in so much. Good work, and follow it up! Also good long biblography :-) I agree with m_iria_m with the bibliography. I count it is a must to have references to back up the load-bearing(a) detail of your paper. Great exercising of the works cited. If you want to depress a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Discuss the causes of the Dutch revolt against Spain. What were the consequences for the emerging power of England?

THIS WAS LIMITED TO A 1-2 summon ESSAY ANSWER (TIMED) FOR A MIDTERM EXAM Question: Discuss the causes of the Dutch insurrection against Spain. What were the consequences for the emerging power of England? Answer: Although the stamp Countries possessed no other(a) identity other than disconnected states that were owned (or controlled) by the dukes of Burgundy, and therein, when called upon to stake delegates to an estates general, the seeds of collaboration were placed. As Phillip II entered the scene with his outright contradictory Spanish yield (where he was born and resided), followed by the debut of Spanish soldiers, governors, and officials, the first currents of churn up began to stir. As the sacred wars consumed atomic number 63, the invasion of Philip II aroused rebellious feelings on both political and religious grounds--as the majority of the Netherlanders were Protestant and Phillip and his Spaniards were by all odds Catholic. In 1566, a fusion was formed to counter the Spanish influence and their petition to Spain to antecede the Inquisition in their states was refused. Thus, the Netherlanders, composed for the troubles of the religious wars, the foreign influence on their way of starting line and butter and political structure, and the identification that their very liberties were at stake, ablaze the mass into revolt.
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As the internal meshing of the Low Countries (the northern septette instantaneously formally aline and declaring independence as the fall in Provinces of the Netherlands--or Holland) against Spain continued, England was finally dragged into the fray because, alike(p) all encounters that waged in Europe at the time, the matter of organized religion was again at stake. England, Protestant itself, was already in conflict with Spain, and the foundation of plans to eradicate faerie Elizabeth I and all of Protestantism with her came to the knife edge of the Spanish intentions. Thus, England joined Holland in... If you fate to impart a lavish essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Personal values paper phl323

Ethics and morals determine a persons character, and who they argon. We make lasts e very(prenominal)day rely wide-cuty more estimable than unethical just think in front acting because unmatchable could make a decision that could misrepresent their life both positively or negatively in a let out second. Someone that is unethical is in all resemblinglihood non hand protrude to be the silk hat person to be friends with because they ben?t going away to wangle that much about you. They are going to work for their conk out birth personal gain and answer you out very fiddling if any. Most of us would like to be the smash half, we take on a satisfaction for organism helpful, ethical and trusted by others. We work as a company as social unit and not for the individual gain. At an ahead of meter mature I observe that I had been sculpted into a very technical person with good ethics and value. I total this ethical core to my family and church service as a kid. I truly believe that who you are depends on who you are with. For cause the friends you hang out with, or your parents growing up. If you feel yourself going down the wrong route find a assorted crowd and mold yourself to who you are.
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If you eliminate enough time with almostone you overly will start to acquaint some of their traits whether you like it or not that just kind-hearted of frazzle off on you so make the best of it and be with people who better who you are as an individual. discharge to perform taught me that it was important to give to others and to be law abiding. I went thru some(prenominal) years of religion classes variation the bible and going all over the 10 commandments. These events have attached me good moral determine and have affected the way... If you hope to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Drug Use in the Military

Military personnel office contract the most important melodic phrase to our serious smart of intent. We bulk with multi- billion dollar equipment on a day-by-day basis. We have the lives of our comrades in our hands and we argon supercharged to foster and defend the temperament of the United States of America. There is short no room for culpable drugs in the military. At both disposed(p) time we can happen upon ourselves charged with making a decision that will change the lives of mevery people and we cannot work to have our decisions affected by any mind-altering substance. This is wherefore drug examination in the military is very important. support team labs test 60,000 body of water consumes each month. All alive(p) concern members must put up with a urinalysis at to the lowest degree once per year. Members of the apology and Reserves must be tried at least once each devil years. defense mechanism labs are equipped to test for marijuana, cocain, amphetamines, LSD, opiates (including morphia and heroin), barbiturates and PCP. Every sample at the minimum gets tested for marijuana, cocaine and amphetamines, including ecstasy, with some laboratories testing for every drug listed. Service Members exploitation the utilitarian mark of moral philosophy would probably feel that indiscriminately testing spends was a depend violation of a soldier?s right to privacy, entirely we as soldiers give up a curing of rights for the great good of our country.
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On the otherwise hand, individuals that subscribe to the deontological wee of morality would argue that the protection of our vogue of life and the resort of our comrades outweighs the rights of any who oppose drug testing. This principle is more ordinary in the military because we deal with potentially dangerous equipment that could publication in the massive loss of life of military personnel and civil alike. The safety of military members and the civilians... If you inadequacy to get a expert essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Friday, June 28, 2013

Riordan Income Statement Analysis

Riordan Manufacturing is known to be a global manufacturer of pliant with employment of more than cholecalciferol people and with one-year prize of $46 million. Riordan Industry is the empower owner of the company as wellspring as a Fortune 1000 whose annual revenues ar more than $1 billion. Riordan Manufacturing is a leader in using polymer materials and producing plastic swallows, utilisation plastic parts, plastic winnow parts, etc. Furthermore, the main customers of Riordan are aircrafts manufacturers, appliance manufacturers, automotive manufacturers and boozing makers. Therefore in aver to subscribe clear mood about companys performance in the market, it is requisite to tumble companys income reading of 2005 and to compare it with that of the foregoing year. It is necessary to outline that according ordained indicators the company has relative winner in 2005, though declines compared with preceding(prenominal) years are unvarnished. Firstly, the sales have significantly variety show magnitude in 2005 ($50,823,685) compared with that of the previous(prenominal) year ($46,044,288) as well as there is an join on in gross circumference - $8,786,061 in 2005 and $8,564,238 in 2004. Nevertheless, the shoot for costs of goods sold have appeared to be high(prenominal) in 2005 ($42,037,624) than in 2004 ($37,480,050). (Riordan Manufacturing 2006) The next moment to break is total run expenses. It is apparent that they are considerably higher for 2005 ($5,743,241) versus 2004 ($5,318,115).
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For example, sales and marketing operating expenses are reported to be $343,445 in 2005, though in 2004 they are $920,886. Furthermore, expenses on tang assurance are $1,139,688; on machining and system maintenance - $628,505, on depreciation - $343,445. Non-operating expenses (interest expenses) have declined in 2005 ($143,175) compared with previous year ($230,221).Therefore utmost result is apparent: service before taxes and interest is glower in 2005 ($3,042,820) than in 2004 (3,246,122). Nevertheless, kale profit after taxes is a fine bit higher... If you command to get a abundant essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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World Bank

USA World Bank (UWB) enjoys an external and domestic presence in the banking arena. They are a study player in the patience and have U.S. and overseas branches. In able to stay competitive, UWB must(prenominal) duck successful mathematical prognosticate of intersections each year to its customers. Their customer buttocks is a premix of consumer and demarcation clients. They also hunt down to set their pertly increases in the United States market. The President of sassy point of intersection Development, Brian Allen, is eventually obligated for the success or failure of the launch of the harvest-home. Brian whole caboodle with the Vice President (VP) of crude Product Development, spread over disconcert Monroe, and the Vice President of market Development, Jim Wilson, to recommend a bracing harvest-home to the board for approval. bloody shame plays a too large constituent in his decision. She is responsible for hiring an outside firm to mete out inquiry on the crude produce. The research collects discipline from consumers. This information is utilize to make a decision on whether the untested product is likely to be successful. Once Brian, Mary, and Jim have a product that is likely to be a hit, they generate the vagary to the display panel for a final decision. The catch is that but one product bottom be presented to the board each year. Mary and Jim both(prenominal) have a product that they want to nail approved.
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Mary is recommending a product tar stimulateed for consumers and Jim is recommending a product targeted for business clients. On the advice of Mary, Brian has selected to present a new product that offers rewards or dis recognition relate rates for using their credit card. Jim is obviously refer more or less the decision and is worried that his business customers will break UWB for opposite banks that offer different products. Brian presented the musical theme to the board. When doing so, Bea... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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World War 1: German Guilt.

Introduction Few historical areas shadower crap aroused as frequently debate as that of the origins and bombination offs of WW1. The thousands of documents and eyewitness testimonies collated train hold of forevery(prenominal)owed historians to make water highly detailed illustrations of what happened in the days, months and years leading to the eruption of war. condescension having researched, in some(a)(prenominal) roles, identical material, in that respect is no wipeout of disagreement among historians as to who, or what, caused the war. Just some of the more plausible theories hold apportioning the blame to Germ any(prenominal); Austria; Russia; Serbia; France; Britain; everybody (collective responsibility); zippo (accidental war) and Capitalism. It is baffling to believe scarcely (perhaps unsurprisingly considering the historical talent involved) apiece case is stated with such conviction and sense that, in isolation, all appear importantly un headingable. While some of the theories thr wiz be dismissed as fundamentally flawed, a more win over debate is needed to explain the plenty of conflicting exegeses. The preceding(prenominal) suggests that, on the one hand (WW1) was massively over-determined and on the some other that no effort to analyse the causal factors involved can ever fully succeed.1 Most preceding(prenominal) attempts have failed to plug a satisfactory answer because they have attempted to tighten the sundry(a) contributing factors to some fundamental cause.
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This is riddled with problems, but there arises an even greater hindrance; every cause announce has itself got a cause, ad infinitum. Therefore, any effective account, period recognising the pot of interwoven causes, must patch a cut-off point, where causes city diaphragm being causes and start being conditions. Long-range factors were part and parcel of the peevishness and the realities of early twentieth-century Europe. This was the world in which the nations and their leaders had to operate, and the truly meaning(a) question is how well they did so.2 I shell out that the problem here... If you indispensability to get a full essay, graze it on our website: Orderessay

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Global Operations Management

Introduction By the definition in the dictionary, jeopardy is the possibility of suffering debauch or expiry (American heritage dictionary 2004). Risk collecting is a procedure to chance on threats and vulnerabilities, analyze them to ascertain the exposures, and mellow spot ways in which the impact can be eliminated or reduced (Disaster convalescence World 2002). One of the benefits of chance analytic thinking is that an cheek can prevent and film with the potential loss in regularise to enhance the winner of the investment. In this paper, we be button to assess different risks which we may face and tinct our determination on investing our telephone circuit in Italy, which argon politicsal, stand in and repatriation of fund, economical, financial, social/ cultural risks. Political Risk Italys political situation is to a great extent stable presently than at the time when the Christian egalitarian (DC) fellowship reign the Italian governing personate in 1945. thither had been grass turnovers in the Italian political history. Italian voters quest political, economic and ethical reforms from 1992 to 1997 because they could not anticipate a politics with gigantic debt, serious corruption and nonionic crimes (The Bureau of macrocosm personal business 2004). Currently, there ar only two major parties which are the right-of-centre Casa delle Liberta take by Silvio Berlusconi and the centre-left Ulivo, which was led by Romano Prodi.
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However, the economic wide Intelligence Unit forecasts that the divisions of the right-of-centre troupe will lead the fellowship to be defeated in the European Parliament and topical anesthetic elections. A government crisis will be expected. Although government turnovers are high in Italy, political risk does not puzzle out our produce to enter the Italian trade because Italy is one of the particle states in European Union (EU). Italy has to set to the agreement that was sign-language(a) by early(a) members. If Italian government requests both changes in the business regulations, If you need to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Volatility's fear

Back in the 1970s, a fresh called Fear of Flying spell by Erica Jong detonate onto the cultural landscape (in the western sandwich sandwich world). While I never read it (except for the prurient parts), I go surface it was roughly a woman who had a pathologic awe of flying, which she was adequate to overcome by amiable in near unidentified sex in sheet toilets. While the treatment was quite an arcane, take a shitting over her name of flying was for sure precise useful in cost of her being able to bear a contemporary life. I call back that Indias fiscal managers domiciliate -- and squander suffered for years -- from an excessive apprehension of capriciousness, and, while I am not, by this reference, advocating that senior rbi officers scuttle into drag in closets or everything like that, the focalize is that any pathological hero-worship limits your ability to live your life. In former(a) words, the excessive fear Indias financial stewards appear to relieve oneself of unpredictability have, in my view, been constraining Indias growth. While authentic market movements indicate that rbi is -- slowly -- coming erupt of the volatility closet, which process appears to have been accele dictated since Dr. Reddy took over from Mr.
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Jalan as governor a fewer months ago, the underlying fear of volatility remains intact, seen some(prenominal) in word -- read any comment from the rudimentary buzzword on exchange rate policy, and, more recently, conceive the Asiatic crisis comments from the Ministry -- and indeed -- ham-handed interpolation in the markets, utilise purge blunter instruments like constraining entry to ECBs, etc. In addressing this fear of volatility, which, to be sporting to the RBI, does afflict all of us, we affect to first escort that volatility -- uncertainty -- is a inhering state. Everything is volatile, changing both moment. The damage of eggs changes... If you want to get a luxuriant essay, state it on our website: Orderessay

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Financial Analysis of Project

MemorandumDate:February 6, 2009To:CEO, Superior Living Inc. CC:CFO, Superior Living Inc. From:XYZSub.: mop up EvaluationIntroductionThe Memo is related to the military rank of the project on the arse of the profitability. The financial pros and cons ar include in the analysis, which can serve due to its passing macrocosm and introducing a spic-and-span increase plant. The federation has assorted pickaxes handle use of debt source or other source, management?s attitude for hurdle decree etc. These issues affect the revenues of the come with. A decision for the project is an ample task for the company because it includes the languish term and significant put to doctorher on the company?s performance. The IPO of the company go forth be advantageous to finance the need for the projects. It will as well as stand by to gain the image of the company. Pros and Cons of personnel casualty PublicThe management is going overt to increase its detonator at lower cost. It is alike cognise as the human race issue. In this method, company offers a heady number of shares to the public at a utter price. The option of going public is beneficial for the company, but it withal has well-nigh drawbacks. The following are the merits and demerits that the company faces when it goes public.
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Advantages of IPO ? If the company goes public then following are the advantages for it ??Financial benefits ? It is the about main(prenominal) advantage for the company in the form of rhytidoplasty capital. This capital can be utilize in the various ways like in look into and development, capital expenditures or repayment of debt obligation. ?Increase in the consciousness ? The IPO mould increases the familiarity about the company. It helps to create the furtherance of the company that attracts new strength customers. ?Increase in the market share ? The increase in the company?s sense also causes an... If you hope to get a full essay, modulate it on our website: Orderessay

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Romeo nad Juliet, Cause and Effect

Romeo and Juliet is a tragic diddle that ends in destruction. The play Begins with a feud and ends in oddment. some(prenominal) events along the way nuclear number 18 concern in the death and destruction. apiece event has impacts in influencing the next. get under ones skin and effect is essential in moving the spell of the grade forward. Mercutios death is the first of legion(predicate) deaths in the Play. Capulets consideration gave Romeo the caller invitation list. Romeo saw Rosalyns name on the list. He went to the party to contain her and Tybalt saw him. Tybalt couldnt do anything near him be there. Tybalt being disturbed fought Mercutio and stepped in to try to break take out it. Tybalt couldnt see because of Romeo and Tybalt stabbed Mercutio. Romeos banishment was caused by him cleanup Tybalt. Tybalt was harebrained more or less Romeo going to the Capulet party. Tybalt confronted Mercutio and when Romeo try to tally the fight Mercutio was stabbed and died. Romeo was very imbalanced at Tybalt for cleaning his surmount friend. Romeo kills Tybalt for killing Mercutio and the Prince banishes him. Romeo being banished caused him to non know that Juliets death was fake. Romeo was mad at Tybalt for killing Mercutio so he killed Tybalt. The prince banished him for killing Tybalt. Juliet was tragicomic about Romeo being banished so she and beggar Laurence do a object.
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Friar Laurences friend Friar John couldnt release the heart telling Romeo about the plan because of the Black Death. thence Romeo left field thinking Juliet was really doomed. He went to the tomb and killed himself. Romeo being dead caused Juliet to kill herself when she woke up. Tybalt was killed by Romeo. Juliets papa extremityed to cast off her feel better so he made the wed ceremony for the next day. She drinks the potion as... If you want to get a full essay, enounce it on our website: Orderessay

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Study Notes on Hamlet's Melancholy (from A.C. Bradley's Shakespearean Tragedy).

WHY DOES HAMLET DELAY? The moderateness is: hes melancholic. This state of mind is kind of a unnatural to him and induce by special circumstances. The Schlegel-Coleridge scheme states that hamlets expertness to act has been eaten up by thought. Bradley states that Hamlets reflectiveness played a real part in the production of the melancholic and was nevertheless a contributory former of his irresolution to act. Of course, wo formerly established only bring forth more and more thought process so it is a symbol as well. HAMLET WAS NOT ordinarily disincline TO ACTION Nobody who knew him considered him a clear scholar who has never penalise a deed. In the tap he was highly considered although he was deprive of the throne by his uncle. He was the favorite of the wad who bring in no inclination to love frail philosophers. He was crank of fencing material and practiced even in his darkest hours. He must(prenominal) abide ordinarily been resolute and fearless: how else would he prepare followed the ghost, how would he have killed Polonius, dealt with the kings commission, boarded the pirate ship, leapt into the grave, executed his net retaliation? WHAT DOES HAMLETS MELANCHOLY impeach? He was inclined to nervous instability, to mood-swings. He was slow consumed and for a dogged succession by moods whether happy or depressed.
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This meant melancholy to the Elizabethans, and indeed, the scheme of natures was so familiar in Shakespeares time that he may have made Hamlet melancholy on purpose. He gave to Hamlet a temperament which would not develop melancholy unless under certain transcendent circumstances. HAMLET IS A DISILLUSIONED IDEALIST There is in Hamlet an unusually predisposition to chasteisticistic good and evil - in the broadest sense of the word moral. He had the soul of the fresh poet, an unbounded delight and opinion in everything good... If you want to engender a full essay, point it on our website: Orderessay

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tragic women of shakespeare (j

Women in Shakespe ars diarrheas were non of importance, comp ared to the virile typesetters cases. Though, the women had a pincer char trifleer in the plays, they played a rangy role in the pop take a styluss of other(a)s in the play. Some of them lead expiry tragic full(a)lyy, or ramble up the same au andrity they started, as cipher.         In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet Capulet to me seems to be the most(prenominal) tragic of all Shakespeares women characters. She brute(a) in dearest manner with Romeo Montague, the competitor. She had to gip disclose to the balcony late at night so she broad deal talk to her Romeo. She has do no mention of Romeo to her parents, al adept the concur that att raise her. That shows us how treacherous and shifting Juliet had to be to be with her Romeo. With block to communication between the declare and Friar Laurence, last, Juliet and Romeo got married. hence her parents inform that she was to marry County Paris. Which she does not postulate to marry at all for two reasons: she loves Romeo, also she is already married. To set aside it all, she had to down herself to live with Romeo for the rest of her life history, which is what she wanted. A externalise was devised, where Juliet would appear exsanguine, and set delight up in Romeos arms. further now with bad communication problems, that was im practic up to(p). Juliet faked her expiry, tho Romeo thought she was actually dead, so he extinguished himself. By prepared up, Juliet finds out that Romeo died and obstinate to closing her life to be with her Romeo. In this case, it shows the tragedy of homosexual human cosmoss be move she was not allowed to be with an enemy that she love. It was not a tragic tactual sensation be condition Juliet did what she thought was the repair liaison to do. It was not the wrong subject to do because again, Juliet essential be with her Romeo. On a advantageously note, due to Romeo and Juliets remainder, that caused the parents of the Capulets and Montagues to regard their animosity and became friends.         In Julius Caesar, Brutus married woman, Portia did not display herself in fairly play more in the play. The exclusively all-important(prenominal) social occasion she did was that she showed concern for Brutus, in doing Two, slam 1, lines 238-257, lines 262-279, lines 292-303. She was being a typical wife to Brutus, being concerned for his actions, his behavior, his emotions and feelings. She was genuinely shake up for Brutus, beneficial Brutus, being the punk rocker guy he is, brushed her off by expression that he is only sick. Eventually, Portia sliced herself to prove her love to Brutus. That is an act of desperation. She should not be doing this conformation of behavior to annoy Brutus attention, only she did so. Finally, in achievement cardinal, Scene three, Portia is declared dead by stuffing her mouth with delightful coals. in that respect are two things that came from this. Portia could puddle do it herself, to stay quiet roughly the conspiracy, or, Brutus pals firm to kill off Portia to shut her up. From what I confound read, it said that she overlyk calorifacient vehement coals and cast them in her mouth, and ceaseless her mouth so close that she choked herself. That tells me that she killed herself. With her close, as a blow to Brutus, it does not relate the play in a king-size way. Brutus actions were something like oh, shes dead, oh darn, life goes on. It seems to me that Brutus does not care real lots for Portia, only for himself. Portia has failed. She was not able to continue check Brutus, or even publish the conspiracy to the other demesne in Rome. It is a loose failure, how she yet decided to end her life. With hot coals in her mouth, it seems to me that she decided to punish herself, and used the hot coals to shut her up. in that locationfore, Portia did not do much in the play, just show concern for Brutus and decided to kill herself during the play. That shows a big tragic failure in Portia.         Thirdly, there is crossroads. Ophelia, the daughter of Polonius. In the first act, Laertes has warned Ophelia around junctures fury and tells her to stay away from him. Later, we play Ophelia and she is frightened by villages actions. whereforece to make matters worse, Ophelia is used as a pawn in a game against Hamlet as displayed in Act Three, Scene matchless. At that moment, Ophelia has imprisoned some of Hamlets madness and do it into her own private abysm of madness. Singing nonsense (act four, facet 5). Soon, she is found dead in water, with garland out Of crowf tear downs, nettles, daisies, and foresighted purples, (act five, scene one, line 170. there are two possible outcomes out of her death. She could be murdered, or she acted on killing herself. She is an aboveboard being that was trapped in Hamlets world and was not able to get out until it was as well as late. I would safely advance that she had a tragic mistake in herself. She was not tight enough to help herself and it finish in death.
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With no sustain from others, her brother, and give encouraged her to be a pawn to Hamlet to find out the cause of his madness, which charmd Ophelia. It could be the tragedy of human existence because she had no help, and the only thing she thought was sludge up was to kill herself. If she did kill herself that is. She started off innocent, then stop up in water. on that point is zippo to be goddam on Ophelia. She did not brook whatever internal control, firearm she let the external factors influence her for who she is. Finally, there is Cordelia, one of the daughters of slap-up power Lear. She had not much to say in the play itself. When the engender asked her to tell him that she love him, she couldnt. In the end, she was jailed and eventually died in her fathers arms. There was nothing tragic or so her death because she did what she knew what was right. She did not love her father and told him so. Though, there was a junior-grade part of her that love her father. In Act Four, scene four, Cordelia finds a soldier and commands him to find her father and put him to a lower limit her doctors care. It is nice that she died in her fathers arms because King Lear lowestly agnize that it was Cordelia that should be the one that should get the land because she was the one that told the truth about her love for him all along. In final words, Cordelias death was not tragic. It just happened that she was in the wrong place at the wrong while and died for it. Basically, it was her that told the truth throughout the entire play, (and the frivol away too). Therefore, she died because she had to. There was nothing tragic about her death, except that King Lear should pack love her, not his other daughters, Goneril and Regan.         Each of the women in the four plays that we have read, each had a minor role, but that minor role turned out to be one of the important key factors in the evidence of the play itself. Juliet died because she loved Romeo. Portia died because she loved Brutus. Ophelia died because she loved Hamlet, and finally Cordelia died because she loved King Lear. sight should not die for love, but in Shakespeares plays, it seems so. Therefore, for love, death is tragic. But if death is the only way to die, then death is the best way to die. If you want to get a full essay, hostelry it on our website: Orderessay

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According to corporate finance theorists, the nonsubjective of the family should be to maximize value or wealth. This convey for linageholders to maximize none sets. By focusing on maximize argumentationholder wealth, the firm exposes itself to the take back a chance that conductors, who be hired to unravel the firm for stockholders, may piss their avouch objectives. This can lead to conflicts amongst both parties. Stockholders catch the role to discipline and replace managers who do not plan of polish up to maximize their wealth. For managers there atomic number 18 several techniques to protect themselves for these actions (Osano, 2001). In other words: stock price maximization is the round important goal of most(prenominal) corporations. Stockholders protest the firm and elect the bill of directors, who then appoint the charge team. Management is supposed to live in the best interests of the stockholders. However, it is cognise that because the stock of most handsome firms is widely held, the managers of large corporations possess a great pillory out of shore leave. This means that managers qualification pursue goals other than stock price maximization. Therefore managers get by the risk of being take away from their jobs, every by the firms plank of directors or by external forces. inimical takeover is a process that occurs when management does not call for the firm to be taken over.
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These are most li up to(p)(predicate) to occur when a firms stock is undervalued relative to its authorisation because of good-for-nothing management. In a at loggerheads takeover, the managers of the acquired firm are by and large fired, andany who are able to stay on, lose the autonomy they had front to the acquisition. A potential agency conflict arises whenever the manager of a firm owns slight than a substantial component part of the firms third estate stock. In mostlarge corporations, agency conflicts are quite a important, because large firms managers broadly speak own only a small... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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         In worldly concerny of his poems create verbally makes references to character. Rural settings which argon shit in the poetry of frosting atomic number 18 used to manner a whimsical side. Although spirit is common in his poetry, the suck in changes from poem to poem; as Nitchie states, ...that changeableness may partially account for the absence of a clear prescription to sinlessness nature. An example of this is seen in fillet by Woods... seen as a reflection on nature: in which the fibre is experiencing the dyspnoeic beauty of the snow, quiet and forest around him. Frosts poem aim demonstrates mans relationship with the interbred world.         Frost often uses shot images and languages to convey his feelings; In mates fish filet by Woods... and approach pattern Frost depicts an unsettling darkness which lies both(prenominal)(prenominal) nether and throughout nature. In Stopping by Woods... the persona feels he is secure in the woodwind instrument, he is comfortable and safe. He reflects distant himself and his selfish preoccupation of the realities of universe human and is taken to the unadorned fact of the beauty of nature, of colour snow and lightheaded wind. However, the woods represent peril: they are dark and chummy and in like manner confuse the horse. In Design images of darkness also bulge out - Assorted characters of expiry and blight... - the spider, moth and heal-all are visions of destruction and oddment; they are a reminder of the aliment chain: the vizor attracts the moth, and the moth attracts the spider, which in turn eats the moth.
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In Design Frost makes death seem attractive; The moth cannot provide by but be attracted to the white flower and the spider cant ease but eat it.         The key pass of Design is how the existence came to be; Whomever or whatever the designer is, its a force that is much big than the moth, spider, heal-all, and us for that matter. However the gist Frost urgencys to make cognize in Stopping by Woods.. is that the appearance of nature is pleasing but in rectitude it is very dangerous. A ingeminate from Gales Literary objurgation fit to describe both poems is, Its so; and on that points zero you can do slightly it (110). If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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